Privacy policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy describes how we collect, use, and disclose your Personal Information when you visit our website, make a purchase from our online store, or engage with our blogging website.


If you have any questions, require more information about our privacy practices, or wish to file a complaint, please reach out to us via email at [].

Collecting Personal Information

When you interact with our website, we gather certain information about your device, your interactions with the site, and details needed to process your purchases. If you contact us for customer support or engage with our blogs, we may collect additional information. In this policy, “Personal Information” refers to any data about an identifiable individual. Below is the information we collect and why:

  • Device Information:
    • Purpose: Accurate website loading, analytics for optimization.
    • Source: Collected automatically using cookies, log files, web beacons, or similar technologies.
    • Shared with: Our processor [e.g., Shopify, [Other vendors]].
    • Personal Information: Web browser version, IP address, time zone, cookie data, viewed products, search terms, site interactions, etc.
  • Order Information:
    • Purpose: Fulfilling orders, processing payments, shipping, customer communication, fraud prevention, personalized marketing.
    • Source: Collected from you during the purchase process.
    • Shared with: Our processor [e.g., Shopify, [Other vendors]].
    • Personal Information: Name, billing and shipping addresses, payment details, email, phone number.
  • Customer Support Information:
    • Purpose: Providing customer support.
    • Source: Provided by you.
    • Shared with: [List vendors used for customer support].
    • Personal Information: [List additional information collected for customer support, if any].
  • Blogs Data:
    • Purpose: Enhancing blog content, analytics, communication.
    • Source: Collected when you engage with our blog.
    • Shared with: [Third-party services used for blog functionality or analytics].
    • Personal Information: Comments, interactions, analytics data.


Our website and blogs are not intended for individuals under the age of [6]. We do not knowingly collect Personal Information from minors. If you believe your child has provided us with Personal Information, please contact us to request deletion.

Sharing Personal Information

We share Personal Information with service providers to fulfill orders and provide services, as well as to comply with laws and protect our rights.

  • We use [e.g., WordPress] to power our online store. For more on how they handle Personal Information, visit [link].
  • We may share information to comply with laws, respond to lawful requests, or protect our rights.

Behavioural Advertising

We may use Personal Information to provide targeted advertisements or marketing communications. Examples include:

  • [Google Analytics]: We use this to understand customer behavior.
  • [Facebook Pixel]: We use this to understand customer behavior.

You can opt out of targeted advertising using links like  [e.g., Facebook, Google, Bing] and refusing cookies message at start

Using Personal Information

We use Personal Information to provide services, process orders, keep you informed about products, services, offers, and enhance our blog content.

Your Rights

If you are in the European Economic Area (EEA), your data is processed under lawful bases including consent, contract performance, legal compliance, vital interests, public task, and legitimate interests. You have rights to access, port, correct, update, and request erasure of your Personal Information. Contact us for assistance.


We retain your Personal Information as long as necessary for order records, blog engagement, unless you request erasure.

Automatic Decision-Making

We do [or do not] engage in fully automated decision-making with significant legal effects.

Selling Personal Information

We don’t sell personal information


Our website and blogs use various cookies for different purposes, including functionality, performance, advertising, and social media. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings.


We may update this Privacy Policy for operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.


If you have concerns, contact us. If not satisfied, you can lodge complaints with relevant authorities.